The time we are in today starts with the struggle of what you see online. Minds tend to wonder and drift into what if i had what the next person has. Be happy with what you have been blessed with already , and be grateful for what's yet to come . It's all about the divine timing we call life! Everyone is destine to what's been chosen for us, each and everyone has a purpose you must find it. You have to level up as your time travel down your path of life that's meant for you and not someone else.
I understand that there is so much we see social media from influencer, celebrities, instagram models and so forth that makes us sometime feel insecure. Question yourself about why you dont have what the next person has at that present time. You have to get in the right position you deserve in your timing. It is truly up to you to get yourself there ,the the lifestyle seek to have trust me you will get there it may not seem like it right now but keep going. Once you do you will have reach the dreams you want to look back and laugh and jump for joy " Your Did It" the old way of thinking is over step into the new way of version of you.
Please remember its all about the mindset you have it changes everything. Do a daily self affirmation every morning that boosts your confidence. Sis go to that mirror in the morning everyday an say to yourself I am going to have a good day, I will achieve the goals want etc. Make it a habit of writing down in a journey what you want in life and just BOSS UP and do it! If you think negative thoughts you will attract the same energy it's law of attraction. Think positive and train you mind to give what's supposed to give and that's nothing but what's best for you.
Coach yourself into thinking that you will have everything you dream to having and keep that mindset work hard toward the goals you want to reach. Stop comparing yourself and competing, everyone has their own path that they go through and so do you . Just because you see someone driving a luxury car, getting the keys to their new home, travel and you know the whole big social media flex. Theres always a story behind each journey. Be a great example go through the obstacle of life reach to the level of success you ever desire be sure to tell your story and help someone else because by telling your story may give someone the confidence they need to Fix you crown and push through.
" Each One Tech One"